Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This morning I ran thee (yes thee, it's monumental) slowest 2 miles of my life! It was literally slower than when I first started running. LITERALLY!

I was running along (or so I thought, it was more like shuffling along but I digress) made it to the half mile mark and I had not taken a walk break... Surprise surprise!! I'm like go me, you're really doing it today girl!! Hit the one mile mark and my app said 1 mile completed time 15 minutes and however many seconds... GASP! I thought this thing must surly be broken... No way could I have take that long. Looked at the actual time, yep 15 whole minutes had passed.

Mile 2 was better. 14 and some change but ummm yea, who's really pumped up about that? It took 29 minutes to run 2 miles... TWENTY NINE MINUTES!!

PROOF that I am not being overly dramatic!! LOL!!

On the bright side of it I did push past not wanting to get out of bed and going out there and doing it. So kudos to me and a pat on the back. The feeling of accomplishment was achieved and I truly know where I am at. You have to start where you're at and I now know WHERE I am at.

Tomorrow is a new day, another day to improve... Until next time,


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