Friday, September 25, 2015



Yes, I am half way to completing a Half Marathon! I am too pumped about it... At the tail end of Week 6 in my training I look back and see how far I have come, I cannot help but to recognize that all Glory goes to God. I know its not just me out there running these miles, helping me push pass my own limitations and even frustrations while I'm on the road. Jesus is truly there with me, protecting me during the darkest of mornings while the roosters are crowing and God knows what is rumbling in the bushes. Everyday He shows me just how awesome He is by showing me each new sunrise is never the same as the day before.

5:48 am in the morning... Reminds me of Gotham City

6:30 am... Vastly different view and less than an hour difference. BEAUTIFUL!

I've finally reached the level of running insanity when you get up in miles and you say things like, "it's only X amount of more miles", or "what's another 3 miles?" O_o. Last week I had to run 7 miles for my long run and I have 8 coming up this weekend. So at my turn around point to make it back home I looked at my app and said, "OK its only 3 more miles to make it back home... What's 3 more miles!" And laughed! Hysterically! My dog baby, needless to say, was not looking too thrilled at my enjoyment but we both made it back, she more exhausted than I was. I conked out by the end of the day though. We've found that 7 miles is her max and she won't be out for long runs with me anymore. :-( I know she is gonna be sad and I'm going to miss her company, but its for her own good and safety. She still gets to run the other 4 days.

This week has me running 4 miles each scheduled day and 8 miles on Sunday. Well, how about this girl right here ran under 40 minutes!!!! Grease Lightening is my name! And I know that there are people who can run 6 and 7  minute miles but for me... THAT WAS FAST and I am getting faster with each passing week! I realized that if I actually use my full stride I cover more distance even if it "feels" like my pace is slower. It's not. God didn't give me these long legs for nothing! Ha! If I can get my pace to 9 minute miles..... I would probably do a back flip if I could but a cartwheel would be in order! LOL

I have low key been thinking about what I will do next in terms of fitness goals. I do not think a full marathon will be the very next thing but I will never say never. I can finish my half and crazily proclaim, "hey, what's 13.1 more miles?!?!?" and there you go.  -_-  I have been googling Triathlon training plans or bike-a-thon joints so we shall see. I know it will be something but the first thing is taking a break and letting my body heal. I am not torn up or broken down but my feet and knees be talking to me! 5 days a week is no joke when you start out being used to only 3 days a week.

That is all for now...

Be Blessed

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