Monday, March 28, 2016

Starting From the Ground Up

I have started over... I accessed where I was and where I want to go and decided to just start completely over.

I opened up my 1st C25K running app and looked at the Zero to 10K program and here I am. It is a 10 week plan and I'm going by the distance instead of time. I chose distance because my goal is getting my mileage back up. Yes, I could run for 30 minutes but if I'm only making it 1.5 miles that's not helping me. With the distance method you run until that set is complete however far that may be.

Week 1 Day 1 was run 175 yards (.10 miles) walk 260 yards (.15 miles) repeat 8 times for a total of 1.84 miles.

The only downside to this method is I don't know how to convert yards to miles so I'm clueless as to how far I'm running until after the 1st set. LOL! It wasn't bad today. Actually it felt a little too easy but I'm trying to build back up so easy is good for now.

I really want to get back to running 5-7 miles like I did back when  I trained for my half. After the first 3 miles everything felt great! I want to get back to that feeling and fitness level. So I'm starting all over.

In addition to running I plan on incorporating strength workouts as well. Although I've picked up in size I like how my lower body is looking. So I want to keep that and the only way to do so is strength training. I can get fairly slim if I just run a lot and I don't want to go there again. I need balance.

So there you have it.  I know I am all over the place with my fitness plans these past few weeks but I feel like I'm on a solid path now.

What are some of your fitness goals? Check in below!


Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This morning I ran thee (yes thee, it's monumental) slowest 2 miles of my life! It was literally slower than when I first started running. LITERALLY!

I was running along (or so I thought, it was more like shuffling along but I digress) made it to the half mile mark and I had not taken a walk break... Surprise surprise!! I'm like go me, you're really doing it today girl!! Hit the one mile mark and my app said 1 mile completed time 15 minutes and however many seconds... GASP! I thought this thing must surly be broken... No way could I have take that long. Looked at the actual time, yep 15 whole minutes had passed.

Mile 2 was better. 14 and some change but ummm yea, who's really pumped up about that? It took 29 minutes to run 2 miles... TWENTY NINE MINUTES!!

PROOF that I am not being overly dramatic!! LOL!!

On the bright side of it I did push past not wanting to get out of bed and going out there and doing it. So kudos to me and a pat on the back. The feeling of accomplishment was achieved and I truly know where I am at. You have to start where you're at and I now know WHERE I am at.

Tomorrow is a new day, another day to improve... Until next time,


Thursday, March 17, 2016

#30DayChallenge Week 1

Today is Day 8 of my 30 Day 10 Minutes a Day Challenge! Let me recap our progress..

Day 1: 20 Minutes of Yoga -- Mom 10 Minute Work Out
Day 2: 3 Mile Run -- Mom 10 Minute Work Out
Day 3: 4 Mile Run -- Mom 10 Minute Work Out
Day 4: 10 Minutes jump rope & abs -- Mom she quit!
Day 5: 10 Minutes jump rope, abs & arms
Day 6: 2 Mile Run
Day 7: ......
Day 8: 10 Minutes jump rope, abs & arms

First lets talk about me and then I'll get into my mom. I missed a day. I could give an excuse but I won't. I should have prioritized my time and made better food choices. I didn't work out that morning and eating garbage for lunch had my stomach upset in the evening. But I am continuing on with the challenge because not only do I want to get back in shape but I truly want to develop the habit of exercising on a regular basis. And not just running. I cannot get the body I want with running alone. I can get down to the weight I want but I will still be jiggly. I don't want to be jiggly. LOL

On to my mom. I really want for her to be happy and healthy. I really really do. My desire for her to create new habits and get fit will not keep her on the track to a healthy lifestyle. She has to want it for herself. I talked with her about it and she completely agreed with me and said that is what she is trying to tell everybody that wants her to do things that she just does not want to do.

I have been there. Before starting my running journey I would occasionally work out with my friends. I tried a Zumba class here and I would do a DVD there but I never found anything that I would or wanted to stick with. It wasn't until I had the desire for myself that I downloaded that app and hit the road. I can't expect anything different from my mom or anyone else. We all have a free will. God designed us that way. He gave us free will to make Godly decisions or Wordly decisions. We can follow Him and do as He wants us to or not. And its not until we make that decision that our lives can be blessed abundantly and be able to fully walk in our purpose.

Check back next week and see how I am doing! I'm feeling good about this. And I may just keep going once the 30 days are over.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

30 Day Challenge!!!

I am so excited! I got my mom to agree to a 30 day challenge with me!!! This is gonna be epic... :-D

The challenge consists of just 10 minutes a day of exercise no matter what for 30 days. Just 10 minutes!! You can do more if you like but if you don't all you have to do is 10 minutes. I decided on this because I want to build the habit of exercise for myself and also help my mom get the ball rolling in that department. I love her and want her to be around to see these grandchildren she so desperately wants me to have.

Day one starts tomorrow, March 10, 2016 and I am pumped. One step closer to helping my mama even though I cannot be physically there to motivate.

My plan is to keep up with my running and on my off/rest days do a yoga DVD or some sort of push up, crunch, squat combo. I will keep you posted on our progress!!


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Getting Back In The Swing...

Yes, I ran today! It was great but not great all at the same time.  

I only ran 2 miles as you can see from the picture below but it was 2 miles more than I did yesterday! It was way colder than I thought it was going to be outside too and my hands turned into icicles but by HIS GRACE I made it!

That 2nd mile was a struggle.... A LOT OF WALKING happened!!!
Look at that pace!!! What a difference a mile makes LOL

All in all I felt good about it. I've really missed getting out there, sweating, basking in the day's beauty, and my dog baby really enjoyed herself. She didn't want to come back in the house. I've already decided that I will run again tomorrow morning and do 3 miles. AND my BFF has agreed to go out there with me!! RUNNING DATE!

Tomorrow holds a new day with a new adventure. Needless to say I am excited about it. I cannot wait to get back to being able to do 6+ miles and feel like a Champ afterwards.... Yup I'm a completely changed woman from who I used to be.

Be Blessed